Dafni Kalokairinou’s series “Body Schema” seeks to find the relationship between form and function through the geometry, posture and movement of the human body. The form according to Aristotelian thought will determine the function of the object ‘’anything is thought to be determined by its definition, form (mold), pattern, essence, whole, synthesis, or archetype ‘’. Form can portray the change itself through the modified arrangement of shapes and patterns and appearance of things. The formal causation, and the role form is given over function and movement by Aristotle, is deeply related to the idea behind body schema. The concept of body schema is used in various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience and philosophy and it represents how humans perceive and control their own form. It is the collection of processes that register and determine the posture and movement of one’s body parts into space. The visual and tactile representation of form plays an important part in the construction of body schema. The representations of our body are updated during body movement and physical change of the body for example during aging process. The human forms in Dafni Kalokairinou’s work vary from dynamic strong poses requiring effort to candid shots of a body relaxing in the space, portraying a mixture of body schema capacity. 

Using Format